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Who We Are

What We Do

Now You

Megacity Review is an online literary arts journal. MCR is a wholly owned subsidiary of Stem the Slide, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting education and education policy. In this case, we've chosen to help writers find a platform to have their stories read while being able to utilize innovative ways to monetize their efforts. The ultimate goal is to help beginning writers explore and  create community, and take advantage of workshops, lectures, and distribution options.


Our Team and advisory board is comprised of people from the literary art, social justice, and media worlds. They were first recruited because of their reading voracity while maintaining careers and a love of reading. Most are professionals who have made inroads in the world of publishing as well the world of entertainment. Under the right circumstances, we have the expertise to produce and distribute content including films. 

Megacity Review highlights creative non-fiction and fiction with the publication of a bi-annual literary journal. Books will also be reviewed, and will highlight the voices of underrepresented people of color. Our short story sections will also be open to allies.

Annual Writing Contest 
The Megacity Review writing contest awards up to $1000 for creative non-fiction and fiction short stories. The guidelines are vague by design, but we are always looking for perspectives from those impacted by a megacity. 

Be heard. Submit your own work.

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