Chronicling The Urban Condition
Why Megacities?
The mission of Megacity Review ("MCR") is to create and promote community for artists by highlighting stories of resilience and empathy that use the diversity and dynamism of Los Angeles, and cities like it, as a point of reference. LA’s role as international megacity, with its size, benefits, and costs, connects people from different backgrounds and cultures with results that are impactful. Inequity, racism, classism, and sexism are only a few of the challenges facing those living in megacities where great abundance juxtaposes great scarcity. By publishing creative non-fiction and spoken word essays by performers and artists whose talent would otherwise find few avenues, MCR provides an alternative to those seeking to share the effects of these structural powers on the human condition.
Be heard. Submit your own work.
Megacity Review is now taking submissions for our inaugural writing contest. Awards of up to $1,000 in fiction and creative non-fiction, plus publication in our journal, and includes consideration for the Pushcart Award. Please see contest details above before submitting.